Why it is ESSENTIAL to have a business with a social media presence?

Our magical Lead Generation Social Media System is part of an add-on service we provide to help you maximise all your social media platforms to their full potential…if you are sat there with a list which looks something like this:

Facebook Business Page

Instagram Business Account     




But then sitting back and thinking “ why am I not generating business when I have all these in place”?

Social Media sites work if you know what you are doing and that is why we designed  two options with you in mind:


Option 1:  This system is ideal for start-up businesses on a budget. We give you a one -to- one social media mentoring session.  Helping  you to identify how to manage each account with ease, and help you gain what you built it for consumer interest!


Option 2:  We take the reins and manage all your social media accounts across the board.  We make sure everything is in keeping with your brand and USP.  We schedule the most popular times for your posts to be realised and provide monthly analysis so we can work with you to access what campaigns are the best to make you pop!

Contact us today to get your Social Media Campaign underway CLICK HERE

Still not convinced Social Media works to gain business?

Lets’ look at the FACTS:


Facebook User Statistics 2021:


66% of the entire UK population are Facebook users

Out of the total estimated UK population of 67.9 million, approximately 44.84 million people are active Facebook users – approximately 66% of the total UK population.

1.62 BILLION users on average visit Facebook every day

That means that just under a quarter of the entire world population are daily active users!

400 users signed up to Facebook every minute in 2021

In that same minute, more than 510,000 comments are made, there are 293,000 status updates, 136,000 photos are uploaded, and a whopping 4 million posts are liked. As the site constantly increases and expands, these numbers are sure to only go up.

Users aged 65 years and older are the platform’s fastest-growing demographic

Facebook is used more than once a day by 45% of UK monthly active users

How about some Instagram stats?


90% of Instagram users follow at least one business

The average Instagram business account grows its followers by 1.69% each month


TikTok (the baby on the block):


In March 2020 Over 745,000 people in the UK downloaded Tik Tok.  The number of UK TikTok users was estimated at over 10 Million by 2021.


Linked in Stats:


United Kingdom LinkedIn users 2021, age group

In December 2021, LinkedIn had over 33 million users in the United Kingdom, of which 57.2 percent were between 25 and 34 years old. Overall, 22.3 percent of users were aged between 35 to 54 years old and just 4.8 percent were over the age of 55.

DIGEST…45% of our population in the UK are on Facebook daily…DAILY…we have ads that pop up  that correlate to what we personally look at constantly now…so if somebody’s been looking up let’s say “Mortgage Broker Hertford” online what do you think will pop up in a subtle yet effective? Consumers do use social media platforms for “social” interests yes, but because it is so easily frequented subliminal advertising messages are continuously seen which prompt a consumer to take action.


Did you know that Instagram and Facebook are owned by Meta, and Tik Tok feeds into Instagram, which in turn feeds into Facebook! 


It’s one big social media hook.  So to catch fish in a  massive ocean of opportunity you need to make sure you are a part of the game.  Simple.


Don’t freak because we have all the gear and ideas!


CLICK HERE for your free social media consultation Piff Paff Poof!




